Managing Recurring Billing Customers

in Account ManagementCustomersGeneral SettingsPayments Tags: billingcustomersmanagerecurring

Managing Recurring Billing Customers:

After you have fully setup Recurring Billing for your products and a user has purchased an item you can manage the user’s billing and account information from the admin area of your cart in the Customers section by clicking on the name of the user.

Step 1.

Select Customers from the left side menu.

Recurring Billing Customers


Step 2.

Select a Customer by clicking on the Name of the user.

Recurring Billing Customers


Step 3.

Click on Payment Profile to view and/or edit settings for the user.

Managing Recurring Billing Customers

After you are done updating the users account settings, click Save.


To submit a ticket, go to the My Account drop-down menu at the top right of the admin area and select Support.